The F1 Show
The F1 Show is a television programme on Sky Sports F1, especially created for Sky's Formula One coverage. The weekly programme began airing on 9 March 2012, with repeats aired throughout the weekend on Sky Sports F1. The magazine show, hosted by Ted Kravitz and Natalie Pinkham, is shot on location at race weekends, covering the latest race action and major talking points throughout the season.
Cast and Crew
The F1 Show
The F1 Show is a television programme on Sky Sports F1, especially created for Sky's Formula One coverage. The weekly programme began airing on 9 March 2012, with repeats aired throughout the weekend on Sky Sports F1. The magazine show, hosted by Ted Kravitz and Natalie Pinkham, is shot on location at race weekends, covering the latest race action and major talking points throughout the season.
Orignal Language
Episodes per Season
Returning Series
Release Data
Produced By
Streaming Network
Sky Sports, Sky Sports F1